We Are Living Through One Of The Greatest Paradigm Shifts In Human History
You Are Part Of This
You Are Needed
You Are Here To Live Your Passion, Vision and Mission
Being Grounded, Energized And Focused
Supports You In Navigating From
Where You Are
Who You Are
Destructive Playtime Is Over
It Is Time To:
Define Your True Role and Responsibility
Refine Your Power
Reclaim Your Sovereignty
It Is Time To:
Get Centered, Connected, Conscious
Turn Lead Into Gold
Be A Great Conscious Leader
As A Collective, We Are Moving From An Intellectually-Based Operating System, to a Holistic, Spiritually-Based Operating System
Intellectual Control and Overthinking
Are Being Replaced With
Alignment of Body, Mind and Spirit
Mastering Your Inner Knowing and Power, Cultivating Your Ease Of Being
Are Foundational Pillars of Conscious Leadership
Would You Like To Be In Flow, Connect With Your Essence and Power, and Expand Your Capacity To Be More, Do More, Live More ?
Moving Beyond Mindset Into A Mastery Of Ancient Universal Principles Is The Key To Infinite Growth and Evolving As A Great Conscious Leader Of Our Time
You Don’t Have To Evolve On Your Own
Apona Healing Supports You With H.E.L.P. . . . Health, Energy and Lasting Power
Programs and Services Are Offered At Any Stage In Your Journey
of Self-Discovery and Empowerment
If You Are Ready to Reclaim Your Sovereignty and Master Your Inner Power, Apona Healing’s High Performance Wellness Coaching Is For You
Apona Healing Offers a Variety of Pathways to Living a
Centered, Connected, Conscious Life
Live a Centered, Connected, Conscious™ Life

Doug Marks CEO
I consider Lidia to be my Master Counsellor and Coach. Lidia always said I would make it through my 'Dark Night of the Soul' and arrive in the Light at the other side. And I have arrived, living with true inner peace, without fear and anxiety, for the first time in my life. I am now light years away from where I was.

Lenir S.
My story is about being declared cancer free by both medical tests and exams results within a two-month period from the beginning of the implementation of the macrobiotic and reiki protocols.

Lucy Dinis
It was a very cleansing weekend with the horses, where I was able to release a lot of pain that I had stored inside of me. The 'Burn the Burdens' ceremony on the last day was one of the most incredibly transformative experiences I have ever had.

Sander Freedman
Lidia. I am overjoyed by this incredible beautiful sanctuary you have created. This home is filled with light and love. It's a magnificent synthesis of your light and beauty you bring to the world. The rustic charm and gracefulness of the horses is absolutely heartwarming.