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National Week to End Horse Exports

The Canadian Horse Defence Coalition has created a schedule of actions that people can take to put pressure on decision-makers and demand that live horse exportation for slaughter is banned immediately.

1. Sign the petition

Please sign this petition to help us showcase to Canadian MP's the widespread opposition. This petition can be signed by anyone worldwide.

2. Engage on social

Consider following these accounts or sharing them with friends or family: The Canadian Horse Defence Coalition, Jann Arden, or the #horseshit hashtag. Help spread the word and share posts or information regarding 'National Week to End Horse Export'.

3. Contact The Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau

Email or call Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food to voice your concern. Not sure what to say? Use this pre-filled template.

4. Contact your MP

i. Find your Member of Parliament using this directory. ii. Under 'Contact' copy their email and address. iii. Email them using this provided template.

5. Spread the word

Spread awareness by speaking up about the live export of horses for slaughter. Use hashtags #horseshit and #banhorseexport and tag your local decision-makers. Consider sharing the CTV News W5 Investigation for those who may not be aware.

If you honour life and believe that horses should not be abused, tortured, and slaughtered, please join us this week in taking one simple action each day, to help end the Live Transport of Canadian Horses to Slaughter Overseas.

Thank you for Being a Humane Conscious Steward of this planet, and a Conscious Leader!

The horses and humanity need you!

The Apona Healing Initiative: Join the movement for healing and global peace.


#mustang #horserescue #killpenrescue #rescuehorse #horsesanctuary #donate #emptythepens #equinetherapy #horseshit #banhorseexport #petition



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