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Apona Healing Ranch

Rescuing Horses to Heal the World
Columnist at Expert Profile Magazine
Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor
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Equine-Assisted Therapy and Equine Healing Retreats

Join us for a Life-Changing Experience guided by the Heart of a Horse

What We Do

and Why

Rescuing Horses to
Heal the World

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and Get Involved

Celebrating the Divinity of Horses

What We Do and Why

Our mission is to rescue horses from slaughter and provide a healing sanctuary where they can recover from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual trauma. We also exist to unite horses and humans for collective healing, wellbeing, and peace.


We provide our horses with a sanctuary on our ranch to heal from abuse and trauma. We feed them healing, nourishing foods, treat their wounds and injuries, and provide unconditional love. We also unite horses and humans through equine-assisted therapy and healing retreats.

Too many horses are needlessly slaughtered each year, once they have been deemed useless to humans. We recognize horses as sentient, spiritual beings, and we know that uniting horses and humans in love results in collective healing and well-being.

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Rescuing Horses to Heal the World

We Rescue Horses from Slaughter

Horse slaughter is a billion-dollar business that is completely unnecessary. Hundreds of thousands of horses around the world are needlessly slaughtered each year. Many are sent to kill lots when they are deemed no longer useful to humans for labour, entertainment, or recreation.


We feel we have a responsibility to help as many horses as possible, so that they may live their birthright of peace and happiness.


As a committed horse advocate, Lidia is honoured to support the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition and Canadian Icon Jann Arden in their powerful efforts to help end horse slaughter in Canada. Learn more:


To learn more visit:

We Know the Healing Power of Horses

At our ranch rescued horses are given the opportunity to shine their light as healers, as Pillars of Light, for humans and the world. We are in a time of great healing and transformation. The incredible love and light of horses is needed now, more than any time in history.


The power of horses to heal has been scientifically studied by the Heart-Math Institute, revealing that the electromagnetic field of a horse's heart is 5 times greater than that of a human’s heart. Simply standing beside a horse brings many documented health benefits to humans.​

Accordingly, every horse that is saved from slaughter and is given an opportunity to heal has the ability to heal 5 humans; 10 horses saved, 50 humans healed; 100 horses saved, 500 humans healed; 100,000 horses saved, 500,000 humans healed; 1,000,000 million horses saved, 5,000,000 humans healed - all from the simple act of saving horses from slaughter and allowing them to live in peace.

We Unite Humans & Horses for Healing

We recognize horses as sentient, spiritual beings who are here to teach us and help us grow and evolve. Horses have always assisted humans in their own evolution, from ploughing fields for planting crops and farm work, to transportation, wars and recreational activities. At Apona Healing Ranch, horses continue to help humans evolve through heart-centered healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Learn more about our Equine-Assisted Therapy and Healing Retreats.

Visit Us and Get Involved

HEAL Yourself. LOVE A Horse. CREATE Peace.

Everyone is welcome to experience the land and heal with our horses at the ranch in beautiful Rideau Lakes, Ontario, Canada. For all that horses have given to us, let's work together to help them. It takes a village to heal a horse... join us!

Lidia Kuleshnyk

Lidia in Winter

For over twenty years, Lidia Kuleshnyk ("Lady Apona") has owned and operated Apona Healing Ranch, rescuing horses from slaughter and uniting humans and horses in love through Equine-Assisted Therapy and Equine Healing Retreats. 

Lidia knows first-hand the healing power of horses and is dedicated to honouring horses as high spiritual beings and pillars of light. She shares her passion for healing with horses in her chapter The Divinity of Horses, in the best-selling book Evolving On Purpose: Co-Creating With The Divine.

Learn more about Lidia's spiritual and educational experiences.

Around the Ranch

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